Your partner for new build and refurbishment in Donauwörth
Planning the technical equipment in the new building: done right from the start.
For every construction project, it is essential to consider the correct infrastructure and technical equipment right from the initial stage. Careful and expert consideration of these components protects against unexpected and often expensive problems later on. Incorrect planning of the building services, which must be quickly revised or replaced, is not only annoying but also costly. Integrate our specialists into your construction plans at an early stage. This will ensure you have a customised solution that will meet your requirements for years to come.
Asking costs nothing!
New build or refurbishment: optimising building technology.
When building a new home or renovating a property in Donauwörth, you don't necessarily have to replace the entire building services. However, sometimes it can make sense to invest in more up-to-date heating, air conditioning or sanitary systems to ensure the longevity of a building and prevent costly water damage, for example. We take a close look at your existing building technology, analyse the current costs including upcoming maintenance and assess when modern, efficient systems could pay off. If a replacement is necessary, we will do this quickly and with consideration for the existing building fabric. This step-by-step refurbishment ensures that your daily processes in Donauwörth are not impaired.