Your partner for your air conditioning in Donauwörth

More than just cooling Better air quality, ideal indoor climate.

If the room temperature exceeds a certain limit, we no longer feel comfortable. Our ability to concentrate decreases and we feel dull. Especially in the hot summer, we wish we had air conditioning - at home and in the office. Air conditioning cools down the room temperature and restores our sense of well-being.

Asking costs nothing!

Do you want the perfect air conditioning system for your premises? Let us give you professional advice. Contact us now and look forward to a cool future!

Your modern air conditioning system in Donauwörth:

However, modern air conditioning systems are more than just cooling devices. They ensure an all-round pleasant indoor climate. In addition to supplying fresh air for a sufficient oxygen content, air conditioning systems also regulate humidity, reduce the risk of mould and filter unpleasant odours as well as pollutants, dust, gases and vapours. They ensure a healthy indoor climate and promote well-being, health and, in commercial use, occupational health and safety. A special pollen filter is particularly interesting for allergy sufferers, as it allows rooms to be properly ventilated without discomfort via the air conditioning and ventilation system.

Plumbing, heating, air conditioning, solar, rental park and renovation of old buildings. Lebedew Haustechnik is your expert!
Plumbing, heating, air conditioning, solar, rental park and renovation of old buildings. Lebedew Haustechnik is your expert!

Professional advice before purchasing a system

As an expert building services company, we calculate the so-called "cooling load calculation" with you before purchasing an air conditioning system to ensure that the desired effect is achieved with the local conditions and a suitably dimensioned system. Your room specifications, solar radiation, heat sources and other parameters are taken into account to ensure that the right appliances are selected.